Mar 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Off-Campus Semester and Semester Abroad Programs

Spring Arbor University students may participate in off-campus learning experiences such as Off Campus Semester or Semester Abroad programs. Students work with the Student Development and Success and Cross Cultural Studies offices before registration is approved. Students participating in these programs will be registered at SAU after consulting with the Office of Registration and Records staff to ensure that the courses will apply to the students’ degree program. The courses are recorded on the transcript according to SAU’s grading system.

Off-Campus Semester Programs

The University has a rich tradition of collaborating with a variety of domestic off-campus semester programs. These programs do not satisfy the cross cultural studies requirement. There is a non-refundable $75 off-campus semester fee early in the planning and application process. Students should consult with Student Financial Services to understand the financial ramifications of participation in these programs. Off-campus semester program application packets are available from the Student Development and Success office.

The following programs aim to bring a Christian perspective to the issues studied, with the intent of helping students develop an integrated biblical worldview through Off Campus Semester (domestic) programs.

Chicago Semester or Summer
The 16-week semester program delivers a custom-tailored Chicago experience, designed to help students prepare for their post-college life. Program staff works closely and collaboratively with students to place them in a full-time internship. Included is a professional seminar and up to two courses for academic credit, depending on the track selected. The 10-week summer program is ideal for students who find it difficult to be away from campus for a full semester. It delivers the same memorable Chicago experience, designed to help build a résumé and professional network in preparation of fulfilling their post-college calling.

Contemporary Music Center (CMC) - Nashville, TN
The CMC offers a semester-long 16 credit hour program that prepares college students for careers in the entertainment industry and challenges them to live out their faith as Christ-followers. Thirty students live, work, and create music together in a facility with 24/7 access to world-class gear taught by faculty who are music industry professionals. Includes a week-long road tour at the end of the semester.

Los Angeles Film Studies Center
Olivet Nazarene University and the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) partner together to offer a 16 credit hour spring semester program. Courses include an internship, along with other courses in film production and the film industry.

Semester Abroad Programs

Several exciting international Semester Abroad opportunities are available. Pre-approved Semester Abroad programs may satisfy the Cross-Cultural Studies requirement. There is a non-refundable $150 SAU Semester Abroad Fee in the application process for each experience. Students should consult with Student Financial Services to understand the financial ramifications of participation in these programs. Semester Abroad Program applications packets are available in the Student Development and Success office.

All students attempting to earn credit outside of the U.S. must be preapproved by the Office of Registration and Records. Students must begin the process of application to Semester Abroad programs at least 12 months in advance of the experience.

Middle East Studies Program (MESP)

Based in Amman, Jordan, this program offers students a unique opportunity to explore and interact with the complex, strategically important world of the modern Middle East. MESP students can earn up to 16 credit hours in the semester abroad. This program fulfills the CCS requirement. Information about the semester abroad international programs through the CCCU can be found at

Oxford Summer Programme (OSP)

The Oxford Summer Programme allows students, as affiliate members of Wycliffe hall, University of Oxford, to do intensive scholarship in the oldest university in the English-speaking world. This program does not fulfill the SAU CCS requirement. Information about the semester abroad international programs through the CCCU can be found at

Semester in Spain

Semester in Spain is a Spanish language immersion study abroad program of Trinity Christian College is open to SAU Spanish majors in fall or spring semesters, and two sessions during the summer. With native Spanish professors, students will excel academically while living in the bustling and historic city of Seville. During this semester abroad, students will not only learn the language, but also experience the culture of Seville’s people, homes, churches, shops, and restaurants. Spanish minors could qualify to attend the summer Trinity Christian College sessions. More information can be found at

SAU Japan Semester or Summer

SAU offers a 13-week semester and an 11-week summer abroad Japan program in cooperation with East West Educational Services, Inc. (EWE). Students of any major can gain SAU credit hours and fulfill the cross cultural requirement while serving in the private kindergartens of EWE teaching English and American culture to Japanese preschoolers. While living and working alongside Japanese educators in the community of Inzai (Chiba prefecture, greater Tokyo area), students will gain insight into the culture. Specific guided experiences in Japanese culture, individualized tutorial lessons in Japanese language (not for college credit unless language proficiency can be demonstrated) and arranged activities with the kindergarten families will be provided by EWE. Required core courses of the program include COR 374 Japan, to be taken the semester prior to traveling to Japan, and COR 375 Japan, taken on site. Japanese language lessons with a private tutor will be provided by EWE for functioning in Japanese society and at the kindergarten level. Semester students may add SAU online courses and/or tutorials to gain up to 15 credit hours. Summer participating students take only COR 375 and language tutoring. Certifying education students can obtain 50 of their 120 required observation hours by participating in SAU Japan.

SAU Jordan Semester

SAU partners with Kelsey Language Institute in Amman, Jordan to offer studies in the Arabic language and culture in a Christian context with curriculum focused on an oral approach to the language to increase student acquisition of spoken Arabic as much as possible. Language instruction at the elementary and intermediate levels are taught in a cultural context that promotes awareness and appreciation for the culture. The curriculum is designed to enable the beginning student to use spoken language to build relationships with locals that will last for the duration of the language learning process. Opportunities include service projects such as ministering to the needs of Syrian and Iraqi refugees and participating in ministry with the Christian churches of Amman. A few travel opportunities in Jordan are offered on weekends to Petra, Mount Nebo and ancient Roman ruins. Students will live in apartments or with a Jordanian family. Students will take COR 374 Jordan by tutorial the semester prior to travel and COR 375 by tutorial from the SAU instructor while in Jordan, fulfilling the cross cultural requirement.

SAU Tokyo Christian University-East Asia Institute
The East Asia Institute, offered each fall semester by Tokyo Christian University, provides a core curriculum of courses that will provide immersion in Japanese culture to students. Students will take Japanese Culture and Society (an overview of Japanese culture and society in the international context), History of Japanese Arts and Aesthetics, Japanese Religion and Philosophy, and Elementary Japanese Language and Culture. Fieldtrips and guided experiences in Japan are a key part of the program. This semester would be valuable to students interested in missions or business in Japan and Asia. The SAU cross-cultural requirement is met by this experience by taking COR 375 Japan by tutorial the semester prior to the study abroad and by taking Japanese Culture and Society at TCU. See the CCS director for more details.

The Scholar’s Semester in Oxford (SSO)

The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford is designed for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills and explore the disciplines and interests of their choice. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students and must have at minimum a 3.7 GPA to be considered for the program. SSO students can earn up to 17 credit hours for one semester and may complete two semesters of the program. This program fulfills the SAU CCS requirement when the student includes The British Culture in their coursework. Information about the semester abroad international programs through the CCCU can be found at