In keeping with the distinctive Christian nature of our community, Spring Arbor University establishes the following lifestyle expectations and standards. It should be noted that this list is considered a baseline and is not necessarily comprehensive and all-inclusive in nature. The University faculty and administration reserve the right to confront and address other behaviors both on and off campus that are complex and/or viewed by the University as disruptive, dangerous, destructive, unbiblical, or inconsistent with the Spring Arbor University mission.
By enrolling at SAU, all students agree to abide by these Community Standards during the academic year. We recognize that some students may personally disagree with an SAU community standard. All students supportive of receiving an education that promotes Christ as the perspective for learning and willing to live in a community guided by the following behavioral guidelines are welcome to be part of the student body. Because Spring Arbor University promotes both community cooperation and interpersonal respect, all students are required to abstain from hosting, promoting, or being part of scenarios where others are given the opportunity to violate the letter and/or the spirit of our community standards and expectations.
“Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitm ent and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know the other.”
- David Spangler
Resident and commuting students are responsible to abide by the Community Standards both on- and off-campus from the day they arrive on campus until they leave in the spring semester and/or May term.
All Community Standards must be adhered to if a student chooses to live, work, or attend classes on campus during the summer. Additionally, SAU does reserve the right to address the nontraditional student who resides off campus, on an individual basis.
The University fully expects all of its students to abide by the legal standards of local, county, state, and federal governments. The University reserves the right to hold students accountable for any civil violations.
Community Policies
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs
Alcoholic Beverages: The community recognizes the potential risk to individuals’ physical and psychological well-being in the use of alcoholic beverages. It also recognizes that use of alcoholic beverages can significantly and negatively impact the community. Accordingly, traditional undergraduate students will refrain from the use, possession, creation, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, with any level of alcohol content.
Tobacco: Recognizing that the use of tobacco is injurious to one’s physical health, members of the campus communities will not possess, use, or distribute tobacco in any form (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, hookahs, vaping, and e-cigarettes) on- or off-campus. In addition, our campuses are smoke free.
Illegal and Legal Substances: SAU prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illegal substances and the abuse or illegal use of legal substances, including prescription and over-the-counter medication. (See the University’s Policy regarding the “Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs ” in the Appendices of this Handbook for complete details.)
The University has established the following policy regarding illegal drugs, marijuana, mind-altering substances, prescription, and non-prescription drugs:
- It is a violation of university policy for any student to use, manufacture, possess, sell, trade, offer for sale or offer to buy illegal drugs, or otherwise engage in the illegal use of drugs on or off campus.
- It is a violation of university policy for any student to be under the influence of or to be found with any illegal substances in any detectable amount in their systems.
- It is a violation of university policy for any student to use prescription drugs illegally - that is, to use prescription drugs that have not been legally obtained or for a purpose or amount other than as prescribed.
- The possession or use of marijuana, including prescribed medical marijuana, is prohibited on- or off-campus.
- It is a violation of university policy to possess drug paraphernalia.
- Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the University.
Spring Arbor University reserves the right to require any student to submit to a physical examination or clinical testing designed to detect the presence of drugs if reasonable suspicion exists that the student is under the influence of or is improperly using drugs in violation of this policy. Reasonable suspicion for testing is determined at the sole discretion of University officials. Reasonable grounds for drug-testing may include, but are not limited to:
- Drug-related odors on person, clothing, equipment, or in living quarters
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Observable phenomena, such as direct observation of substance abuse or physical symptoms or manifestations of being impaired due to substance abuse
Periodic testing (at the student’s expense) may also be required as a sanction within the accountability process if a student admits or is found responsible for violating the drug policy.
Testing for drugs will be administered at a local clinic or hospital selected by the University. Refusal to comply with testing when it is requested or required will be considered a violation of the University’s drug policy and may result in discipline up to and including dismissal from the University.
Appropriate Attire and Modesty
Since living in community calls for respect and concern for others, students are expected to wear clothing that is modest. Men are expected to wear shirts on all University-owned property, including the fieldhouse and outside sport/recreation areas. All students should abstain from wearing revealing clothing. Modesty concerns may be addressed by university faculty or staff.
For the safety of self and others, as well as courtesy and respect, students are required to wear shoes in all University buildings.
Disruptive Behavior
Spring Arbor University’s goal is to provide a safe and orderly environment for its students. In keeping with that goal, students whose behavior is disruptive to the community may be subject to accountability action up to and including dismissal from the University. “Disruptive” is defined to include behavior that causes emotional or physical distress to self, fellow students, faculty, or staff that is significantly above what is normally experienced in daily life, as determined by the University. Such disruption may be in the form of a single behavioral incident or a somewhat less severe but persistent disruption over a more extended period of time.
Spring Arbor University has a Care Team (behavioral intervention and threat assessment team). This team of professionals will assess students that have exhibited disruptive behavior which may be considered threatening and will take steps deemed appropriate to protect the safety of the individual and the campus community. This may include informing appropriate family members of particular concerns.
“Our relationship with each other is the criterion the world uses to judge whether our message is truthful Christian community is the final apologetic.”
- Francis Schaeffer
Gambling (the exchange of money or goods by betting or wagering) is viewed as an unwise use of God-given resources and is not acceptable in any form (including, but not limited to, online sports betting).
Hazing and Intimidation
As a Christian community it is the goal of Spring Arbor University to be a safe place to study and work. Physically or emotionally intimidating another individual through written, electronic, or verbal communication is unacceptable and may lead to accountability sanctions. Because hazing or initiation practices may exploit power differentials and can involve intimidation and harassment, these practices are not allowed at Spring Arbor University. Individuals involved in initiation practices will be subject to accountability action up to immediate dismissal. Any of these actions should be reported to a Resident Assistant (RA), Resident Director (RD), Campus Safety, or call 911.
Students persistently not attending classes and no longer consistently engaged in coursework may be removed from housing and/or administratively withdrawn as a student. The recommendation will be made to the VP for Student Development and Success after multiple conversations or attempts to communicate with the non-participating student have been made. Every attempt will be made to coordinate our University response in cooperation with the student, provided the student is responsive and participatory.
Physical Violence and Assault
Assaulting another individual is an affront to our commitment to a Christ-centered and others-oriented community and will not be tolerated. Examples of assault include, but are not limited to, a violent physical or verbal attack; spitting on an individual; hitting, punching, or kicking; brandishing a deadly or non-deadly weapon in a manner that suggests the victim will be harmed with that object; or a credible threat to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person that puts the person in immediate danger or in apprehension of such harm or contact. Assault will lead to disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal.
Policies and Procedures
Compliance with day-to-day policies and procedures of the community (often as communicated verbally or in writing through Campus Safety, Residence Life, or faculty) is expected from members. These routine items are listed in this Student Handbook and the University catalog. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal.
Failure to pay a fine or complete assigned work, and/or obey any other directive or sanction following a properly conducted accountability action is a separate violation of University rules and may result in further disciplinary action.
Prohibited Behaviors
Certain behaviors are expressly prohibited in Scripture and therefore are to be avoided by all members of the community. They include theft, lying, dishonesty, gossip, slander, backbiting, profanity, vulgarity, crude or racially charged language, drunkenness, immodesty of dress, and occult practice. (Mark 7:20-23; Romans 13:12-14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
Respect for the Property of Others
Members of the community are expected to respect the property of others, including University property, private property on and off campus, and public property. The intellectual property of others and copyrights are also to be respected.
Sexual Harassment
Students are expected to treat each other with respect. The Spring Arbor University sexual harassment policy has been developed to promote an environment that encourages appropriate conduct among all community members. Sexual harassment means conduct on the basis of sex where:
- An employee conditions aid, benefit, of service of the institution on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct, (sometimes referred to as ‘quid pro quo’ sexual harassment);
- Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature determined by a reasonable person is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the institution’s education program or activity (sometimes referred to as ‘hostile environment’ sexual harassment);
- Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking - as defined in the Clery Act - occurs.
Examples of such conduct that will not be tolerated by the University include, but are not limited to:
- Persistent or repeated unwelcome flirting or persistent pressure for dates
- Sexual comments or inappropriate touching
- Sexually suggestive jokes or gestures
- Requests for sexual favors
- The open display of sexually oriented pictures, calendars, posters, or other material offensive to others
- Stalking behaviors, including persistent following, surveillance (including use of a tracking device), unknown recording, or constant contact
Students are encouraged to:
- Express their displeasure concerning any conduct that might be considered sexual harassment
- Tell the individual engaging in the conduct that it is unwelcome
- Report the concern to the Title IX Coordinator, Kayla Knapp or Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Manda Kelly
Reported cases of sexual harassment, as defined above, will be reviewed and processed through the University’s Title IX Grievance procedure, which may include a hearing. The University’s policy against sexual harassment applies equally to students, faculty, and staff. The University reserves the right to include local law enforcement when deemed appropriate. More information is located in the “Interpersonal Harm with Title IX” section in the Appendix.
Sexuality and Relationships
Scripture teaches that we are all created in the image of God, male and female, and the biblical definition of marriage is an intimate union to be entered into by one man and one woman. Therefore, intimate sexual expression is to be confined to the marriage relationship. We believe that all human families were established by God to perpetuate humankind and to provide a stable community nurturing faith and living.
All students-regardless of age, sexual preference, residency, or status-are required to abstain from cohabitation, inappropriate sexual behavior, and any involvement in premarital or extramarital sexual activity. Public displays of affection should be appropriate, and students should always remain approachable. Cohabitation is defined as being unsupervised with a member of the opposite sex at inappropriate times in a room, apartment, or other area.
SAU affirms the full humanity and dignity of every human being and recognizes that human sexuality is a complex and sometimes-divisive topic. SAU welcomes individuals who ascribe to views on sexuality that do not always align with University beliefs as long they commit to abide by SAU’s Community Standards while enrolled as a student. As a Christian community, SAU encourages discourse to be approached with a spirit of humility, civility, and respect. (View the SAU “Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Identity ” located in the Appendices.) Students who violate our community standards regarding sexual behavior will meet with an accountability committee and be treated in a loving, redemptive manner throughout the accountability process. To that end, the University will make counsel and support available to encourage students toward living lives consistent with biblical teaching on sexuality.
Our University is committed to the sanctity and preservation of life. In the case of pregnancy outside of marriage, for the health of mother and baby, the student may be required to live off-campus in a residence approved by the Dean of Students, depending on the circumstances involved. Students may be assisted by Student Development and Success in securing support from the campus community.
Submission to Civil Authority
In keeping with scriptural admonitions to bring ourselves under the authority of government, members of the Spring Arbor University community are expected to uphold the laws of the local community, the state, and the nation. An exception would be those rare occasions in which obedience to civil authorities would require behavior that conflicts with the teaching of Scripture. On such occasions, each individual would submit voluntarily to the penalty for his or her behavior (Romans 13:1-7). Behavior resulting in arrest on- or off-campus is subject to review within the University’s disciplinary procedures.