Nov 21, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook

Spiritual Life

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around-life - and place it before God as an offering.” Romans 12:1, The Message

Spring Arbor University encourages students to pursue an ‘ordinary life’ as a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. The SAU Spiritual Life office exists to help the student body refine what it means to “BE” a disciple in a Christ-centered community. Our office creates relational programming to invite students to practice their Christian faith by nurturing a sense of BELONGING in Christ, BELIEVING the tenets of the Christian faith, BECOMING like Christ in character, and using their gifts toward BUILDING the Kingdom of God.

As an academic community committed to Christian thought, behavior and Christ-centered relationships with others and with God, Spring Arbor University has certain spiritual life expectations and many opportunities for personal and communal growth. The character of this community is modeled, shaped and nurtured by our Oikos Student Leadership and the staff who leads them. Along with campus programming, students are encouraged to make personal choices that will reflect their desire to grow in their relationship with Christ. If students need help in setting up or organizing an effective devotional life, they are encouraged to contact the chaplain, the SGA spiritual life director or the Resident Chaplain Assistant in their residence hall for help and direction.

Students are encouraged to take part in campus activities that nurture Vibrant Christianity such as: DEEPER, Spiritual Life Retreat, Spring Break mission trips, accountability groups, small groups and periodic events organized by the SGA Spiritual Life Director and pursue involvement in a local congregation. Sunday morning worship is encouraged and available at the church of the student’s choice. If students need help finding a church, the chaplain’s office can be of assistance.

“Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this.”

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

SAU Chapel Services

One of the primary reasons students choose to come to Spring Arbor University is the focus on encouraging a a fully devoted Christian life offered within the context of earning a university degree. Along with the nurture provided by Christian faculty and staff, the support that comes from Christ-centered relationships and the opportunities for service are integral to a student’s progress in Belonging, Believing, Becoming and Building faith in Jesus Christ. The chapel program is provided to encourage spiritual growth and worship by drawing the students into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Chapel services are held Monday and Wednesday morning at 10:05 a.m. in the Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church. There are a few times when chapel is held on different days and, but students will know of those changes by referring to the semester chapel schedule and checking the SAU app. There are 27 chapels per semester.

Because the University considers chapel an essential part of the Spring Arbor University experience, attendance is required and recorded, just as it is in the classroom or sport practices. Other informal spiritual life activities or worship experiences do not meet the chapel attendance requirement. Each student has an attendance record that is kept by the Office of Student Development and Success and is accessible online via the SAU App.

Chapel attendance is taken through the Spring Arbor University App as students enter the meeting space. There will be a station for students who do not have a functioning smartphone. Scanning continues up to 10:10 am. Note: late arrival or early departure from chapel is considered an absence.

Chapel attendance is required for full-time students under the following conditions:

  • All RESIDENT STUDENTS living in the University’s residence halls, villages, apartments, and houses.
  • All full-time COMMUTER STUDENTS living in the 49283 Zip Code.
  • All full-time COMMUTER STUDENTS living outside the 49283 Zip Code that have class either before OR after chapel.

All students who are not required to attend as an outcome of this policy are still encouraged to attend whenever they are able to do so.


For circumstances relating to regular employment or childcare, petition forms are available in the Office of Student Development and Success. Please do not plan on- or off-campus work schedules that conflict with chapel. Students may petition to be excused from chapel because of a regular employment schedule that conflicts with the chapel schedule for only one semester each academic year. A chapel petition will not be approved for two consecutive semesters spanning different academic years. Petitions are considered on their merit and are subject to the final decision of the Office of Student Development and Success. Observation hours for teacher education and substitute teaching are not conditions for petition.

Appeals of decisions regarding chapel attendance or petitions are to be made in writing to the Office of Student Development and Success within 48 hours of receiving the decision, after which the decision will be final.

“A Christian fellowship l ives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses.”

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If you need to miss chapel:

  1. Six chapel misses are permitted during each semester for such reasons as class trips, athletic events, illness, or other personal circumstances. Note: required attendance for class activities that would necessitate missing chapel are counted in these six absences, so please plan accordingly. On your fifth absence, and every absence thereafter, you will receive an e-mail notification.
  2. The following Accountability Plan applies to students who exceed the allowable six misses:
    1. Absence 7: Chapel probation for the following semester (allowing only four absences)
    2. Absence 8: Chapel probation and dismissal warning; appointment with a Student Development and Success staff member
    3. Absence 9: Eligible for semester dismissal from the University the following semester

If you have any questions about chapel attendance, they can be answered in the Office of Student Development and Success ([email protected] or 517-750-6330).